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Unlocking Content Creation on a Budget: 4 Keys for Working with a Marketing Agency 

In today’s digitally driven world, where buyers dictate trends, the demand for high-quality content is incessant. Marketing managers and small business owners often grapple with the challenge of creating engaging content while managing tight budgets, timelines, and the myriad of other responsibilities they juggle daily. While at GANI, we firmly believe in the long-term benefits of building and developing internal talent to maintain company knowledge and offer career growth opportunities, there are instances when collaborating with an external team becomes necessary. This is where partnering with a marketing agency or freelance talent can be a game-changer. However, not all external teams are equal, and amidst numerous other tasks, finding the right partner can be daunting. Today we will focus on four essential keys to maximizing collaboration with agencies or freelancers while staying on budget and keeping your projects on schedule. 

Define Quantity, Topics, and Channels 

Before engaging with an agency, having a clear roadmap for your content strategy is crucial (if you don’t have one, check out this free guide our team released recently). Define the quantity of content required, the topics to be covered, and the channels through which it will be distributed. Working with your internal stakeholders (sales, customer service, operations, executive team, etc.) to define your needs and goals for the next 60-90 days and have an outline ready for each meeting.  The right agencies will appreciate this approach because it reduces the uncertainty of “fire-drill” projects that they must build into project fees and should expedite the quoting process. Ultimately, this gives your agency the necessary direction to prioritize resources effectively and maximize your budget.  

Have Clear Messaging & Personas

Another way to increase the effectiveness of your agency work is by providing messaging and key persona details along with your 90-day content plan.  While not everyone has the time to compose a comprehensive messaging package or have one created by a consulting team, a one-pager outlining your competitors, a product SWOT analysis, and identifying key phrases to use and avoid is just as valuable. Marketing content creation teams want to help you tell your story as if it were coming directly from you, but one of the biggest hindrances to speed and consistency is lack of understanding.   

This type of messaging information can transform your relationship from multiple rounds of edits to possibly none after a few pieces of content.  Additionally, it will align your internal stakeholders with the story your brand is trying to tell; there is nothing worse than creating content in May only to change the story in June because someone “had a great idea while watching TV last night.”   

Set Expectations for Each Channel or Program 

Effective collaboration hinges on setting clear expectations and goals. Communicate your desired outcomes for each channel or program to your agency. Whether your goal is to increase brand awareness, increase website engagement, or generate leads, be transparent about your KPIs, explain why you chose those, and share your current/past performance. By sharing your focus, even if involves improving struggling channels, you can leverage the agency’s expertise to optimize performance. 

Without defined Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), the relationship between your team and the agency may suffer from misalignment. Establishing measurable metrics ensures that both parties work towards the same objectives and enables accountability for results. Regular performance reviews and adjustments to content creation or budget allocation based on data insights foster a dynamic and fruitful partnership. 

Select a Team with Clear Processes and Performance Metrics 

Choosing the right agency is paramount to the success of your content creation endeavors. Look for a team that can articulate its content creation process, demonstrate its historical performance, and provide insights into its turnaround times and on-time deliverability.  

A transparent agency will outline its tools, methodologies, and communication protocols, keeping you informed without overwhelming you with day-to-day minutiae. Their ability to stay nimble while adhering to deadlines ensures that your content strategy remains agile and responsive to market dynamics. 

Collaborating with a trusted agency in content creation can amplify your marketing efforts and drive tangible results. By adhering to the four keys outlined in this article – defining quantity, topics, and channels; knowing your messaging; setting clear expectations for outcomes; and selecting a team with transparent processes and performance metrics – businesses can unlock the full potential of agency creativity while staying on budget and on schedule. 

Embrace the art of collaboration and empower your team to achieve content excellence with the support of a strategic agency partner. If your team is looking for help, consider the services the GANI team offers.  We are happy to chat about your needs, timing, and budget and find a tailored solution that helps you achieve this year’s goals. 

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J.R. Garrett

Managing Partner

I am a discerning guy who enjoys helping others build their businesses and solve big problems. Building GANI with Greg has been a dream come true as we have always been aligned on how to value people and bring value to people.

In my free time you can usually find me spending time with my family, exercising, and when is it time to unwind I head to the ocean.  

Greg Priode

Managing Partner

I am a passionate guy who loves to solve problems and create unique solutions using data to develop and execute product and marketing strategies, that can bring measurable results for GANI and our clients.  Building GANI with J.R. was never even in my dreams, yet now I can’t image doing anything else with anyone else. 

When I am not working, I am spending time with my family or am outdoors, when I need to recharging a quiet hike or camping trip is exactly what I need.